Stay Focused My Friends!
Stay focused like a horse with blinders.
Stay focused like a horse with blinders.
Just Because You Can Doesn’t Mean That You Should
This is just a short little tip and saying that came to me when it comes to business and personal finances. I am learning that just because you can, doesn't mean that you should.
Self Analysis
Start questioning your motives behind everything that
This is just a short little tip and saying that came to me when it comes to business and personal finances. I am learning that just because you can, doesn't mean that you should.
Self Analysis
Start questioning your motives behind everything that you are spending and investing your money on and in.
Just because you can, doesn’t mean that you should!
Take a 15 Minute Video Tour of North Beach in Corpus Christi, Texas
Happy Sunday!
While I was pinning on Pinterest a couple of days ago, I clicked on another users North Beach pin, and discovered that my YouTube video was being used as a point of reference on a certain beach website.
Dios mio! I totally thought that I had deleted this account from YouTube!
Well, I almost had a hard time getting back into this particular gmail account because I do not use it anymore-as it was created while experimenting with extending, and adding new services and ideas, to my senior care business.
Thankfully, I finally remembered my old password
I really appreciate the creators of that website, because they helped me gain over 5,000 YouTube views.
Now whether or not 5,000 views on YouTube sounds like a little or a lot to you, (it’s really not anything monetary wise) it is the lesson behind it that has got me thinking-I'm still a lifestyle blogger newbie, and I know that the Universe allowed me to stumble across my video again, for reasons that go way beyond, “just finding an old video post that I thought that I deleted”😬
Book Your Travels With Me At Tiffany Tene' Travels
Read-The Ultimate Guide To North Beach In Corpus Christi, Texas
5 Things I Miss About Island Life in Corpus Christi, Texas
I still can’t believe that we were living in Corpus Christi, Texas just minutes away from the beach, for 5 years!
Now back in Houston, Texas the 4th largest metropolitan city in the US, there is always something to do.
Almost everything that you want or need, Houston has it!
Although there are many advantages to moving back to Houston, there are a few major amenities in Corpus that I really have been missing.
5 Things I Miss About Island Life in Corpus Christi, Texas
1. The Beach
I have been feeling like a mermaid out of water lately!
My favorite sport is swimming so I desperately miss going to the beach almost every day!…I desperately miss swimming in the ocean and laying in the sand daily. I have a nice view of the swimming pool in front of my home office window, but when you get used to swimming in the ocean, the chlorinated water in the pool doesn't seem too appealing anymore.
I miss taking my kids to the beach and watching them run in the sand without restrictions.
I miss meeting friendly Islanders- Some who have settled on the island because of the military, and some who said that they enjoyed vacationing there so much, that they winded up never going back home because of its chill lifestyle-one guy told us that he came to the island from Southern California for Spring Break, and never went back home!
I miss the sound of the waves crashing, seagulls swooping slow, and the luxury of strolling on the beach at midnight.
The Ultimate Guide To North Beach In Corpus Christi, Texas
40 Photos To Inspire You To Visit McGee Beach In Corpus Chrisit, Texas
How To Spend 24 Hours At The Marina In Corpus Christi, Texas
Take a 15 Minute Video Tour of North Beach In Corpus Christi, Texas
Why Going To The Beach Is The Most Important Thing That You Can Do Right Now
2. My Super Healthy Lifestyle
Since I been back in Houston, I have noticed a big drop in my healthy lifestyle. I do a whole lot of walking here, but the time that I spend outside compared to when I was living by the beach is way less.
Even though Houston has far more things to do than little Corpus Christi, I was definitely more physically active on the beach.
Physical Activity on the Beach
Right on the beach, I can do a variety of exercises. Run, jump, play frisbee, play catch, football, and volleyball all in the sand.
I also used to always challenge my older kids to a game of basketball-playing by a park around the corner from the beach.
Currently, my physical activities consist of walking and dancing.
While living in Corpus, I also spent way more time outdoors, because we lived in a beach like home where we had the whole property to ourselves.
The weather in Corpus Christi is very warm, but because the city lies on the gulf coast, there is always a refreshing breeze!
I used to order Indian food from India online every other week at Sad to say that I haven’t ordered anything from them in almost 2 1/2 years! Also in Corpus Christi, there is a fruit and vegetable store called Fruit King. Omg! You can buy 2-3 big cardboard boxes full of fresh fruit and veggies for $25.00. (I haven’t shopped here since Corpus.)
Currently, my diet consists of more American, Nigerian and Jamaican food, which I love, and am not complaining about at all!
I used to give myself natural hair masks and hot oil treatments every week. Now I only do them once a month, or once every 3 months.
3. Extended Family
I do not have any close family members here in Houston. I sort of miss being able to drive around and pop in on my extended family, just to say hi, pick up a dinner plate that they insist on me eating, get some good laughs in from my aunties wild jokes, and going over there for birthdays and other family get-togethers.
4. The News Channel
Seriously, when we first started watching the news, we were like, “Yesss!” …In Corpus Christi, Texas there are very few cases of murder, theft, or domestic abuse. The big thing that you had to watch out for was hit and runs. 6 Things You Shoud Know Before Visitng Corpus Chrisit, Texas
To watch TV, with very little bad news was so refreshing. Here in Houston, Texas I only watch the news if I have to, because every day there is drama, a murder somewhere, break-ins, and whatever other major or minor crimes you can think of! Sorry, Houston, I do love you, and for the most part, I have always felt at home and safe here. But to live in a place where local news broadcasts are short, and the rest of the news hour is spent talking about other things that are going on outside of your city, is heaven.
Read-Living In Corpus Christi-40 Moving Tips and Things To Know
5. Slow Pace Living
I love the hustle and bustle of the big city! But it wasn't until I moved to Corpus that I realized that yes, I consider myself a big city girl, but I should separate my big city girl lifestyle from home.
Book all of your trips with me at Tiffany Tene' Travels
10 Things I'm Doing Right Now To Prepare For International Living
Meaning, do business in a big city, shop in a big city, dine in a big city, have a great nightlife in a big city, but when it's time to go home, go home to a place outside of a big city.
As you spend time exploring different environments, where do you flourish the most? Also, if you have a nomadic spirit, how long does it take before you feel like you need to move somewhere else?
6 Things I Will Be Focusing On This Week- Business and Lifestyle Updates
The past couple of weeks has been a whirlwind of opportunities for the future of my brand and lifestyle blog!
I have been filled with excitement because the perfect networks keep pouring in. I've been having so many positive back to back happenings, which is motivating and encouraging me to be more persistent with my plans.
I am still making wonderful connections with like-minded brands, and am in the process of selecting new and curated collections and products for my store.
As I continue to clear out the clutter of the old e-mails, that are no longer serving me, I am receiving new refreshing, unexpected e-mails gifting me with great news!
6 Things I Will Be Focusing on This Week- Business and Lifestyle Update
It's about that time again! Apparel Textile Trade Show Phase 2
Apparel Textile Sourcing is having a week-long interactive creative virtual trade show for buyers, sellers, boutique & store owners, and e-commerce merchants. Also if you are looking to start your own store whether online or offline and would like to source internationally, I believe that it would be very beneficial for you to attend this high-tech virtual trade show.
Starts tomorrow!
UPDATE-Register below to attend future Apparel Textile Sourcing Events which are held twice a year
2. Life lessons I'm taking with me through this week and beyond
Last week, I had lunch with an old friend of mine, whom I had not seen in 8 years. I was so proud and highly impressed with his progress in life, career, business, and investments. In listening to him talk, I was reminded of what I needed to get to the next level. Extreme focus, discipline, self-control, patience, and perseverance.
Lesson learned from our lunch meeting-Be careful about who and what you invest in. Who you invest in is just as important as what you invest in. Tiffany Tene'
Are you investing your time and money in the right person/ people?
To add to that, in talking with my dad about life in general, (imma Daddy's girl) he says, it's not always about who or what you want, it's about who and what you need! Thank you, Daddy! Lesson learned✔
3. Marketing Strategies
Though I get marketing strategies sent to me via e-mail and webinars, I will be taking some social media marketing courses.
Also going to be reading some ‘Think with Google' articles!
The best thing for me to do right now as a new lifestyle content creator is to continue to consistently promote and put out fresh new content.
I'm still batching blog content and Pinterest pins at the same time! Yikes! It has put me a bit behind but in the long run, it will flow nicely.
4. In My Posh Resale Shop-Tene's Armoire
As a semi-seasoned seller, I will once again provide fresh new listings in my store on a daily, and share with my customers and followers as often as possible.
5. Health and Wellness
After providing our guinea pig with fresh hay, I had an allergy flare! So I ordered some Manuka honey for cough throat and allergies. Manuka honey is made in Australia and New Zealand and is known to be the best in the world. I’ve had it before, but not with the herbal infusions. It’s expected arrival is this week- Can't wait to get it! Get ready for a review, if I love!
Coffee Tea Rotation
Time to rotate back to tea 3 times a day…4. I just finished reading an Asian blog post suggesting to increase your herbal tea intake (green tea would be ideal) from 3 times a day to 4, due to covid.
Still not a morning person… BUT,
For the past 4 days, I've been waking up at 7:16 am on the dot!🤔If this continues, I guess I'll be forced to accept it as my new schedule…??😒
Seriously, I haven’t even been resisting this early morning universal wake me up because I now have additional tasks and assignments. So some days, I really do have to get up early.
6. Planning for 2021
I will be doing more preparations this week for my first international trip. I'm sooooo excited! I already have chosen the outfits that I am going to wear, I just need to figure out shoes.
I have finally decided where I will stay and will find 2nd and 3rd lodging options for back up.
New Pages
I've added a few new pages to my website! Go check out the bottom of my website menu bar.
One of the pages that I added is some online learning courses. I will be adding more courses as I see fit.
I love online courses!
While on the Islands in Corpus Christi, Texas I took several online courses to upgrade and enhance my skills.
I'm about to go on another learning spree😄
What are your business plans this week?
Get Rid of Everything and Everyone in Your Life That is Not in Alignment With Who You Are
As the days that lead up to my birthday (October 8) slowly passed by, I received a powerful and timely call from my Aunt in California. Although she told me that I made her feel so much better by providing her with some business information and encouraging words, it was she, my Aunt Debra who was used by the Universe to remind me of who I am… and who I am not.
Me and my Aunt Debra. I’m a 70’s baby, ya dig!
Power Talkin’ With Aunt D
We both came to the conclusion that as we evolve, we MUST take action RIGHT NOW, to always surround ourselves with like-minded people. And then once we get around our like-minded group or tribe, (which doesn't have to be huge) cherish them! Show more thankfulness, and be active in cultivating those like-minded relationships.
This goes for all areas of our lives. Let no area of your life compromise. Even in what may seem to be the most tiniest corners in our life…, such as e-mails. But maybe not so tiny for some, because I have read articles in which people have stated how an e-mail changed their life.
My E-mail Subscription Rant
I have been receiving e-mails for things that I had subscribed to at some point in my life, that does not even motivate me. Apparently, I like one article, fill out my e-mail address and subscribe. Then I somehow allow for these e-mails to continue on floating in my inbox without opening, or deleting. Do you do this?
Like the paper letters that I love receiving in my physical mailbox, I should be excited each day to open up my e-mails! And you should too!
Whatever the reasoning is behind why I thought that some of these e-mails were in alignment with my highest purpose, and was so quick to subscribe, doesn't even matter right now.
Totally my bad for not taking the time to really sort through who I am subscribed to!
A Talk With Myself
Am I really supporting these businesses? Do I comment on their page or support them in some type of way?
Are they the type of people that I would want to talk to every single day? Have I bought anything from them? Do I intend on buying anything from them?
What am I allowing in my space? Yes, even the title of an e-mail that doesn’t align with me may be irritating.
I just want to feel like every single e-mail that I open up on a daily hits my soul. Ya know what I mean?
Slow down and take time to discover what is actually coming in and out of your life!
Who and what fully resonates with you? (Because you must have your whole heart into whoever and whatever is in your life.)
Don't keep old junk, old habits, and older versions of yourself in your inbox
Unsubscribe and delete the minute you start to feel strange vibes. If that person or business has somehow linked you to a person, place, or thing that inspired you, find a way to thank them, and move on.
When you sift through every person, place, thing, and businesses that are in your life, you will be fully balanced. You will be happier, and your mind will be ever so clear. You will be excited every day, and feel as if something good is about to happen..even though you may not be so sure of what that something is yet.
You will just be excited to feel that you are walking light. Consciously floating..
You may have something in your life right now that you are on the fence about. Why are you on the fence? Do you feel obligated to someone, or to a situation that no longer serves you? Don't go forth with it. Don’t continue. Cut it off.
Your Personal Relationships
Back to people, because people take up most of our time and energy.
Conversations that no longer serve you, get rid of.
I have cut off relationships, best friends, (so I thought), and even family members who seem to always have a negative view of themselves and life.
If I am so positive, optimistic, and outgoing, why am I constantly having conversations with these people?🤔
Don’t feel sorry for anyone. Help, encourage and move on. Your energy can’t be clouded with grey smoke.
If you are entrepreneurial, surround yourself with the right entrepreneur minds. And be aware that just because someone is a millionaire, doesn’t mean that you have to join their tribe.
I’ve had a millionaire mentor before that was way off.
So I am weeding out who I listen to and being very selective. Who really resonates with me? Not just some of the time, all the time.
Manish Chandra-CEO of Poshmark He believes in Leading with Love
Having a blog, business, and website gives me a greater opportunity to partner up with people and businesses that are in alignment with my life purpose and journey.
My new website is quickly playing a huge part in my online journey.
In going through and researching an online business, I get so excited because I have finally found these businesses who think like me, dress like me, or have said something that I have said or thought in their mission statement.
My Aunt suggested for us to create a Personal Mission Statement, and stick to it-
Sidenote: I am so proud of my Aunt Debra. Along with my mom, they became the first African American women to work at Fremont Police Station, and The City of Fremont, California. My Aunt went on and pursued her Master's Degree, and became the head of City management, planning, and human resources.
Both are now retired!
A Company's Core Values
Find out if a company's core values resonate with yours. Many times we get on platforms mainly because of people like you and me who keep them going. But I like to see and find out what the person who created the platform is like. And The people behind the scenes..what are they like?
For instance, I am not on TikTok but I just recently saw the founder on an award show. He is full of energy, and even gave a little be-bop performance! His personality ties in with all of the fun and liveliness that goes on within his created site.
My sister-cousin
Stay around like-minded people
When you are around like-minded people, your conversations flow freely. Your combined energies are united, and there are no choppy blocks. You don’t have to always choose your words, or watch what you say, because your energy partners get it.
Social Media
I have come to the realization that I do very well in communities of various age groups, that can post and share with very few limits. Most importantly, I thrive in organic communities.
Find or create online communities where you can be your most creative self without drama all of the time!
I know there’s going to be some type of drama in almost any organization, but the majority of your life should not be fueled by hostile arguments and constant negative vibes.
You will find me most active on Pinterest, Poshmark, YouTube (viewing and comments), and here on my website. These communities I feel closely moderate their platforms better than others.
Within the last 2 months, the Universe has been constantly reminding me to be careful and cautious about who and what I allow in my space.
Be very very selective. Who cares if they say you are stuck-up, too picky, or that your standards are too high. Don’t bend!
By having like-minded people in your circle, you are protecting yourself, your space, and your family.
As I told my Aunt, who you allow in your space, can be a matter of life or death.
Your Oral Health is the Gateway to your Overall Health
This, my friends, is crucial!
Long Story Short Until After This Series
After removal of my tooth, and treatment of my infection in June 2019, I documented my oral health journey from the time that I first experienced issues, all the way up until last year.
After receiving an e-mail invitation to view this series, I was so glad to find out that what I had been saying to my close friends and family for the past few years, had been, and is being proven.
I'm not crazy! Ha!
After I finish watching this 7 part series, I will share with you all my own oral health nightmare story, which first stemmed from an untreated root canal.
If you are new to my blog, I am a Natural Health student and consultant, on my way to becoming a Natural Health Practitioner.
I have been practicing Natural Health since elementary school, but only in certain areas of my life.
With that being said, I felt as if I was maintaining my health fairly well, until I found out how a tooth infection that I left untreated, was really affecting me…
Find out how your oral health may be affecting the rest of your body!
Only a few hours left to watch this for free- Don't forget to sign up so that you can watch the whole 7 part series.
Episode 1: Mouth Matters
Forgive Yourself
If I would've known then what I know now…Well Tiff, you didn't, and guess what? You survived! And even if you did know then what you know now, you still would've made many other life changing mistakes! Are you a perfectionist?…I can sit up here and blame it on my great great grandfather. My family told me that he was a very stern perfectionist. If it is in my DNA, I have the power to change it. I still talk to myself sternly, but now only in the moment, and when needed. I no longer wallow about what I did or did not do last month, last year, or 5 years ago!
Note to self: Stop feeling guilty about decisions you made in the past. You made those decisions based on where you were, and at that specific time in your life, you felt that it was right. Address, Assess, and Move On.
Congratulate Yourself
Stop what you are doing right now, and congratulate yourself on what you have already accomplished thus far. Tiffany Tene’
Express Yourself
When you are able to express yourself without holding back, you are truly free. You are comfortable in your own skin, proud, and confident not only in who you are right now, but also in who you are becoming, as you continue to evolve. Tiffany Tene’