Get Rid of Everything and Everyone in Your Life That is Not in Alignment With Who You Are
As the days that lead up to my birthday (October 8) slowly passed by, I received a powerful and timely call from my Aunt in California. Although she told me that I made her feel so much better by providing her with some business information and encouraging words, it was she, my Aunt Debra who was used by the Universe to remind me of who I am… and who I am not.
Me and my Aunt Debra. I’m a 70’s baby, ya dig!
Power Talkin’ With Aunt D
We both came to the conclusion that as we evolve, we MUST take action RIGHT NOW, to always surround ourselves with like-minded people. And then once we get around our like-minded group or tribe, (which doesn't have to be huge) cherish them! Show more thankfulness, and be active in cultivating those like-minded relationships.
This goes for all areas of our lives. Let no area of your life compromise. Even in what may seem to be the most tiniest corners in our life…, such as e-mails. But maybe not so tiny for some, because I have read articles in which people have stated how an e-mail changed their life.
My E-mail Subscription Rant
I have been receiving e-mails for things that I had subscribed to at some point in my life, that does not even motivate me. Apparently, I like one article, fill out my e-mail address and subscribe. Then I somehow allow for these e-mails to continue on floating in my inbox without opening, or deleting. Do you do this?
Like the paper letters that I love receiving in my physical mailbox, I should be excited each day to open up my e-mails! And you should too!
Whatever the reasoning is behind why I thought that some of these e-mails were in alignment with my highest purpose, and was so quick to subscribe, doesn't even matter right now.
Totally my bad for not taking the time to really sort through who I am subscribed to!
A Talk With Myself
Am I really supporting these businesses? Do I comment on their page or support them in some type of way?
Are they the type of people that I would want to talk to every single day? Have I bought anything from them? Do I intend on buying anything from them?
What am I allowing in my space? Yes, even the title of an e-mail that doesn’t align with me may be irritating.
I just want to feel like every single e-mail that I open up on a daily hits my soul. Ya know what I mean?
Slow down and take time to discover what is actually coming in and out of your life!
Who and what fully resonates with you? (Because you must have your whole heart into whoever and whatever is in your life.)
Don't keep old junk, old habits, and older versions of yourself in your inbox
Unsubscribe and delete the minute you start to feel strange vibes. If that person or business has somehow linked you to a person, place, or thing that inspired you, find a way to thank them, and move on.
When you sift through every person, place, thing, and businesses that are in your life, you will be fully balanced. You will be happier, and your mind will be ever so clear. You will be excited every day, and feel as if something good is about to happen..even though you may not be so sure of what that something is yet.
You will just be excited to feel that you are walking light. Consciously floating..
You may have something in your life right now that you are on the fence about. Why are you on the fence? Do you feel obligated to someone, or to a situation that no longer serves you? Don't go forth with it. Don’t continue. Cut it off.
Your Personal Relationships
Back to people, because people take up most of our time and energy.
Conversations that no longer serve you, get rid of.
I have cut off relationships, best friends, (so I thought), and even family members who seem to always have a negative view of themselves and life.
If I am so positive, optimistic, and outgoing, why am I constantly having conversations with these people?🤔
Don’t feel sorry for anyone. Help, encourage and move on. Your energy can’t be clouded with grey smoke.
If you are entrepreneurial, surround yourself with the right entrepreneur minds. And be aware that just because someone is a millionaire, doesn’t mean that you have to join their tribe.
I’ve had a millionaire mentor before that was way off.
So I am weeding out who I listen to and being very selective. Who really resonates with me? Not just some of the time, all the time.
Manish Chandra-CEO of Poshmark He believes in Leading with Love
Having a blog, business, and website gives me a greater opportunity to partner up with people and businesses that are in alignment with my life purpose and journey.
My new website is quickly playing a huge part in my online journey.
In going through and researching an online business, I get so excited because I have finally found these businesses who think like me, dress like me, or have said something that I have said or thought in their mission statement.
My Aunt suggested for us to create a Personal Mission Statement, and stick to it-
Sidenote: I am so proud of my Aunt Debra. Along with my mom, they became the first African American women to work at Fremont Police Station, and The City of Fremont, California. My Aunt went on and pursued her Master's Degree, and became the head of City management, planning, and human resources.
Both are now retired!
A Company's Core Values
Find out if a company's core values resonate with yours. Many times we get on platforms mainly because of people like you and me who keep them going. But I like to see and find out what the person who created the platform is like. And The people behind the scenes..what are they like?
For instance, I am not on TikTok but I just recently saw the founder on an award show. He is full of energy, and even gave a little be-bop performance! His personality ties in with all of the fun and liveliness that goes on within his created site.
My sister-cousin
Stay around like-minded people
When you are around like-minded people, your conversations flow freely. Your combined energies are united, and there are no choppy blocks. You don’t have to always choose your words, or watch what you say, because your energy partners get it.
Social Media
I have come to the realization that I do very well in communities of various age groups, that can post and share with very few limits. Most importantly, I thrive in organic communities.
Find or create online communities where you can be your most creative self without drama all of the time!
I know there’s going to be some type of drama in almost any organization, but the majority of your life should not be fueled by hostile arguments and constant negative vibes.
You will find me most active on Pinterest, Poshmark, YouTube (viewing and comments), and here on my website. These communities I feel closely moderate their platforms better than others.
Within the last 2 months, the Universe has been constantly reminding me to be careful and cautious about who and what I allow in my space.
Be very very selective. Who cares if they say you are stuck-up, too picky, or that your standards are too high. Don’t bend!
By having like-minded people in your circle, you are protecting yourself, your space, and your family.
As I told my Aunt, who you allow in your space, can be a matter of life or death.