New All Natural Watermelon Lemon Hand Care Sanitizer Mist You'll Fall In Love With

New All Natural Watermelon Lemon Hand Care Sanitizer Mist You'll Fall In Love With

Nowadays, you will see a lot of everyday people dressing like medical workers to protect themselves against viruses! Masks, gloves, and even protective shields are all a part of the new daily gear/wardrobe.

From day one for medical workers, it has been, and will always be about following the rules to avoid cross-contamination and to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.

The most important thing that health officials keep emphasizing is the importance of handwashing.

When you're in the medical field like me, you have to keep hand sanitizer around at all times! We are known to have hand sanitizer in our pockets, purses, pouches, bathrooms, storage rooms, nurses stations, and yes.., in the trunk of our cars and glove compartments!

We are also taught that hand sanitizer should not replace proper and regular handwashing with soap and water-But if soap and water are not available, a hand sanitizer is an excellent option.

(Childcare workers also have strict regulations when it comes to hand sanitation. They are required to make sure that each child that is of age, knows how to properly wash their hands.)

The spread of germs in daycare centers is real!

With that being said, the type of hand sanitizer you use after proper handwashing is very important.

Recently, the FDA issued a re-call of certain hand sanitizers known to contain unsafe ingredients, low levels of ethyl and isopropyl alcohol, and methanol contamination-methanol is a type of alcohol that is toxic when applied to your hands, and dangerous when ingested.


New Purlisse All Natural Watermelon Lemon Antiseptic Hand Sanitizer You’ll Fall In Love With

Being the naturalist that I am, I have tried a few hand sanitizers in the past, claiming that they were all-natural. Some of those hand sanitizers smelled really good but still left my hands feeling a bit sticky and dry.

Eventually, I ended up just using rubbing alcohol.

Usually, I will carry a travel size bottle of lotion to use after sanitizing my hands. But now I don't need to!

I've been using purlisse hand sanitizer for almost 2 weeks, and I am very impressed!

There are 3 scented purlisse antiseptic handcare sanitizers-Green Tea Ginger, Watermelon Lemon, and Papaya Turmeric.

I chose Watermelon Lemon, and will soon be purchasing all three scents!

To use, spray sanitizer so that all areas of your hands are covered, (usually 3 or 4 spritzes) then rub hands together-front and back, until dry.

Your hands will remain soft and feel moisturized no matter how many times you use purlisse hand sanitizer!


Key ingredients include tea tree oil, aloe vera leaf juice, and lemon essential oil. I was happy to see hydrogen peroxide which is a major bacteria killer, melaleuca oil, and lemon peel oil in the ingredients as well.

These are the perfect natural ingredient combinations that will surely kill (and not just mask) germs and harmful bacteria!

Also, the smell is amazeballs! It has a nice sweet light watermelon scent that's not overwhelming.

Another great thing about purlisse antiseptic hand care is that you can spritz a little on your bedding, pillows, and other areas that you want clean!


This seriously will be my new go-to hand sanitizer!

Have you tried the new scented antiseptic hand care sanitizers from purlisse?

Click Here To Try New All Natural Scented Hand Sanitizers

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