3 Big Misconceptions About Thrift Shops That We Need to Say Goodbye To

3 Big Misconceptions About Thrift Shops That We Need to Say Goodbye To

There are 3 big misconceptions about Resell Shops that we need to say goodbye to!

  1. Resell and Thrift Shops are only for low income and poor people.

    There are specific organizations such as Churches and Charity Centers that give clothes away to poor and low income families. Think about it: If these Thrift Stores were so concerned about the poor, they would actually give their items away, instead of selling them. All classes of people have been shopping at Thrift Stores for years, we just didn’t know it!

  2. Resell and Thrift Shops only have outdated items.

There are so many different types of resell shops! Some only sell vintage items, some only sell furniture and home goods, and some only sell trendy and designer items.

3. Resell and Thrift Shops are dirty and unorganized.

Well maybe some are, but not all. Resell Shops are really steppin’ up their game when it comes to displaying their items, and making sure that their stores are sanitized. (Especially since thrift shopping is now a huge trend!)

Are there any other big misconceptions that you have heard about Thrift Shops?

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