This is How I Receive Special Messages from The Universe During Nature Walks

This is How I Receive Special Messages from The Universe During Nature Walks

While doing some more preparation for my International travels, I started to get a little impatient-well a lot..wellll,… actualyyy, more than usual??..

I have been so excited, throughout the whole process so far-But all of a sudden, I just wanted everything to happen, RIGHT NOW!

I mean, RIGHT NOW RIGHT NOW RIGHT NOW!..(folding my arms and stomping my feet.)

Side note: I’m terribly spoiled and used to getting what I want. I'm also used to moving fast, so sometimes when something on the outside doesn't come as quick as I think it should, I act up.

Like, can I just snap my fingers and be there already? What else is it that I need to learn Universe? What other spiritual assignment do I need to complete before I leave? Huh?

Back to my Adult Self

Even though I'm a spoiled brat sometimes, I am learning to still use wisdom.

It's very important to ask questions when you suddenly get impatient, because you don't want to embark anywhere prematurely.

Question yourself, and then ask the Universe some questions!

Reasons Why you Don’t Get What you Want Right Away (according to me.)

Sometimes you don’t get what you want right away because you are not ready yet. Or,

-It is not yet ready for you

-What you want right away may do you more harm than good right now

-You need to take some more actions

-The Universe is trying to protect you in some type of way

-You are not fully equipped

-You still need more training

Everything and everyone has to go through a process!

Because I was getting a bit out of hand, the Universe had to get rough with me :

Would you want your baby ripped from your womb in the middle of the development stage? Like at 4 months?..”okay tiff, time to have this baby”…. “but doctor, I thought it takes 9 months for a baby to fully develop?”….”Nope, it’s coming out now.

“Yeah Tiff, time to listen”…


So, I grab the kids, and off we go into nature!.. and this is what they said unto me:

How I Receive Special Messages From the Universe


1. Be Still, Sturdy, and Cool

Remember that big strong unmovable unshakeable foundation that you have been wanting to build?

(Out of all of the dozens and dozens of trees, I was immediately drawn to this one.)

In comparison to the other trees behind it, my tree had the sturdiest foundation and provided the most shade.

It was bigger, stronger, and better than the rest.

Zoom in, and look at its roots and stump!


I Will Always Guard Shield and Protect you!


Haven't you forgotten something?



I didn't meditate! So I flopped right down on the ground, in front of my special tree-Indian style-tight jeans and all.

Ahhhhhh yeah!!


2. Transformation Has Taken Place

I have never seen a beetle’s shell like this before. This was a sure message for me, that was left right on my special tree. It reminds me of the Egyptian meaning of the scarab; rebirth, and resurrection.

You have evolved and passed the tests, now it’s time to move on.

A transformation has taken place.

Move on, and leave your former self behind.

Death to your old life/self-Life to your new self.


3. This is What Will Happen and Has Happened When you Get Too Impatient and Go Outside of the Safety Zone

My tree is still providing so much cool, breezy shade on a hot day.

But look at the area outside of the shade.

It’s a hot mess!


4. Follow the Path that Has Been Set Before you

Distant, Safe and Fertile Lands, Prosperity, and Hidden Rewards are Awaiting.


5. Take a Leap of Faith


After our nature walk, we came back to my favorite tree. Flopping down on the ground again, I pulled out my cell to call Uber.

Directly in back, and very close to me, my son spotted a grasshopper that seemed to come out of nowhere.

This to me was the most important message. A message in which I didn't even decode, until the next day.

I just thought, Ohh! A grasshopper…and it wasn’t even hopping! We put a stick in front of it, and it climbed onto the stick. I even poked it a bit, and all it did was jump closer to me! .. it didn't hop away.🤔


Yesterday as I was sitting on the couch, I was suddenly reminded of the grasshopper.

That friendly grasshopper was trying to tell me something!

So I Googled it, and found a reading that resonated with me.

When a Grasshopper Suddenly Appears out of Nowhere

(Zoom in and check out the body. It looks like the inside of a mushroom)


When the grasshopper spirit animal comes leaping into your life, it signifies your need to make a tremendous leap of faith.

A grasshopper can take you by surprise because it just appears out of nowhere. It is free to do as it pleases, and can go anytime and anywhere it wants….

(remember I was asking the Universe why can't I just snap my fingers and be there already?)

You can adapt to any situation, and you are flexible enough when surrounded by different kinds of people.

Just like the cricket symbolism, the grasshopper symbolism wants you to know that if you aim high and go where others are scared to go, you will accomplish amazing feats and achieve incredible results!

The meaning of the cricket highlights the importance of patience, solidarity, and security.

(HA! Ohhh Patience! Does the universe know how to send timely messages, or what?)

The grasshopper spirit animal chooses those who want to move ahead in life with their innovative thinking and progressive approach.

When you are inspired by the grasshopper totem, jump forward and get past whatever is trying to keep you or hold you back.

Grasshoppers are also said to be a sign of Good Luck!

The Universe will never fail you! Even when it seems as if at times your life, health, family, and career, are all falling apart.

In reality, all things are shifting-turning-adjusting-moving-rearranging, in your favor.

When you don't blame, and go within to look for answers and guidance, and if you stay in tune, to your higher calling in life, The Universe will accommodate and give you exactly what you need during all of your life’s transitions.

Nature Heals

When you are looking for answers, go into nature. To clear your mind, go into nature. To shift your mood, go into nature.

To evolve, go into nature.

When you start to do this on a regular, (and intentionally) you will never look at a leaf, a tree, flowers, insects, grass, lakes, and ponds the same way ever again.


Everything and everyone that appears in front of you almost everywhere you go, will always have a meaning, a purpose, and a special message.


PS: If you are into metaphysics, mystic messages, consciousness, and alternate realities sign up to Gaia.

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How do you receive special messages from Nature?

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